Wednesday, December 19, 2012

My Everything Dad!

December 27th
Love you forever and always!

This is for you!
A man who has the BIGGEST heart, family man, role model, teacher, protector, loving, caring, funny, strong, silly, wise, handsome, affectionate, inspiring, loyal, honest, considerate, and trustworthy. An overall EVERYTHING Dad! I love you more than words can say!

“You Da Man!”
“Ever since my life began,
I realized that "You da man!"
I saw your wisdom, your courage too,
And I learned I could rely on you.
Your tolerant nature was really great;
Nevertheless, you'd not hesitate
To let me know when I'd been bad;
It must have been hard, but that's being a dad.
You're strong and smart and filled with love--
A gift to me from up above,
So here's a greeting from your biggest fan:
Happy Birthday, Dad, 'cause "You da man!"

Friday, December 7, 2012

Our 1st Married Christmas!

May happiness fill your home with love and laughter
And may your new year be happily ever after. ♥